
Blockchain Service

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subhead-icon HIGH LEVEL OF TRANSPARENCY & TRUST subhead-icon


We are living in an era post the birth of blockchain. Its impact on our future day-to-day life and how we carry out transactions will be enormous. Blockchain being a decentralized ledger provides a living and breathing document on multiple devices giving a very high level of transparency and trust.
Transactions as we know them will evolve across all facets of life from Financial to Food Safety to Logistics to Government using blockchain. This will enhance the speed of transactions and provide transparency, immutability, and finality.
Blockchain consultancy is not one size fits all it can be inter and intra-organizational. It is spread over three areas of the Blockchain life cycle which at Cykube we define as Conception, Definition, and Action or CDA Consulting. Cross-organizational blockchain success depends on Consortium Consultancy and governance.

As many organizations and governments are evaluating the use cases for blockchain our experts can guide and help build a reliable blockchain network. Our consultants not only look at the technology but work with you, your partners and stakeholders to define and enhance the end to end business process to help materialize the blockchain efficiencies.

Some of the blockchain services provided:
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    Blockchain Consultancy

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    Blockchain Adoption

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    Blockchain Development

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    On demand Blockchain resourcing

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    Blockchain Business Process Consultancy

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    BaaS (Blockchain as a Service) Development

Blockchain Consultancy and Advisory

Blockchain is not one size fits all. Blockchain can be inter and intra organizational.

At Cykube we define Blockchain across its three areas of its life cycle defined as CDA Conception, Definition and Action.

subhead-icon CROSS ORGANIZATION BLOCKCHAIN subhead-icon


Blockchain as a technology is in its infancy and thus consulting plays a crucial role for any organization to understand the need and benefits of blockchain. Our team not only has hands-on experience, but we have put immense focus on carrying out industry-standard training and certification to enhance our expertise and bring industry best practices to you.
Blockchain Strategy Consulting


Defining the right blockchain strategy is key to any organization's success with blockchain. It is a major misconception that blockchain is a technological change. As much as it is a technological change it is predominantly a change to how things are done which entails elements of process, architecture, and behavioral changes. Our Conception consulting practice has technology experts from developers to architects and business and community experts in the specific industry vertical. As blockchain can be industry specific, we at Cykube have expertise and community experts to build the consortium and make the Blockchain work.

Blockchain Design Consulting


Once an organization or consortium has a clear strategy for blockchain which includes use cases, the next stage of consulting engagement starts. This stage includes defining the end-state architecture, ensuring the security and stability of the platform and solution, and defining and tracking key success factors just to name a few elements. During this stage, both technology and business aspects are looked at.

Blockchain Consortium Consultancy

For blockchain to reach its full potential and provide the benefits that are associated with it, inter-organizational blockchain use is considered the final frontier. Cykube is part of many blockchain consortiums and academic institutes working towards these goals. With this expertise, Cykube provides consultancy to establish and govern consortiums across organizations whether they are private or government.

Blockchain Training and Awareness

Let our experts and partners come and educate your teams. These are fully customized knowledge-sharing and awareness sessions that are customized to your organization's maturity level on a blockchain. We consider these to be crucial as you and your team best understand your business needs.

subhead-icon COMPETITIVE & INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS subhead-icon


End to End Turnkey Solutions


Cykube offers end-to-end solutions from the inception of an idea to the deployment of the solution and ongoing continuous support to our clients. We develop competitive and innovative solutions which fit our clients' requirements and align with their business objectives.

Proof of Concept and Pilots

The Cykube team is well versed in translating business ideas into prototypes using technical language and putting them onto a blockchain framework as a proof of concept.

After understanding client need, the Cykube team assess the client's requirements, identify processes whether Blockchain can deliver value for the respective business, and evaluate the expected outcome. We also investigate alternatives if it requires which may fit client requirements.

Blockchain Product Development and MVP (Minimum Viable Product)

Do you want your idea to be implemented on a blockchain? Our blockchain development team can help materialize your idea on any base platform of Ethereum, Corda, or Hyperledger.

We aim to build a value proposition for the client which aligns with the client's business objectives and after performing a cost-benefit analysis justifies the ROI of the client's investments.

Use Case Identification & PoC/Pilot

Our team will work with you to help develop a use case and take it to a PoC and Pilot stage.

subhead-icon JOINING A NEW BLOCKCHAIN subhead-icon


Blockchain Implementation and In-life Managed Services

We guide you through your journey of establishing or joining a new blockchain to efficiently run your blockchain enterprise.

Managed Services and Support

We not only deploy blockchain, but we are here to help you throughout your journey. We are not only implementing distributed ledger applications with technology but also building systems, procedures, and processes on the platform which is more efficient and a right fit for your businesses. After implementing the solution, we perform necessary tests and check the scalability of the solution and the security of the data.

subhead-icon VAST LEVEL OF EXPERIENCE subhead-icon


Our blockchain consultancy, development and delivery team combines a vast level of experience from Global Enterprises.


The Challenge:
  • Lengthy account opening process
  • High entry levels and intermediary cost
  • Transparency - Lack of visibility
  • Limited access to global products
The Solution:

A Corda blockchain solution with Fractionalisation for reduced minimum ticket size.

  • Low entry level to promote financial inclusion
  • Corda BC for transparency and need to know
  • Fractionalisation of assets
  • Admin and Customer portals
  • Easy to use App available on Google and Apple store


The Challenge:

The main challenges faced by a green valued holding company and its divisions were:

  • Data confidentiality between divisions and external
  • Ability to share data among divisions and external suppliers
  • Traceability of raw material
  • Transparency of information to customer yet protect company data
The Solution:

A public permissioned blockchain solution ensuring the data is secured for individual divisions yet specific sets of the data can be made shareable or completely public. IoT devices to track real time data, which is then recorded on to the blockchain ledger for data integrity..

The future is bright, but it needs the right expertise to get there. We are here to make it happen.

Talk to the expert